The Upside of 2020 by Mark Tofflemire
The Upside of 2020
December is here. A month from now we will be into a new year and many people are saying that they can’t wait. There is no question that 2020 has been the most challenging year of a lifetime for most people, but surely there are some positive takeaways that can be gleaned from this year. A fun exercise to try when having a tough day is to go through all the things that you have to be thankful for; soon you realize that there are many. And, after finishing the list, the issues that were bothering you in the first place suddenly seem trivial.
So, can the same hold true for a pandemic year? Let’s give it a go. For starters, many employees have started to embrace working from home. People have better reorganized their living space to accommodate workspace. Also, as a result of not commuting on a daily basis, people have found extra time to sleep more, exercise, and learn practical skills like cooking. And, speaking of cooking, working from home and doing Zoom meetings means we no longer have to avoid certain foods like garlic for fear that everyone will want to “socially distance” from you at the next day’s meetings.
So before we write off this year completely, let’s think about the good that has come from 2020 and how our lives have been improved in a variety of ways. At the same time, we need to keep in mind that we still have a whole month ahead before we change calendars, which means we still have time to create more good this year and carry that into the new year.
Wishing you health and happiness, always.
Mark Tofflemire
Tailor Made Inc.
12月に入りました。1ヶ月後には新しい年を迎え、多くの人が「待ちきれない」と言っています。2020年が多くの人にとって生涯で最も困難な年になったことは間違いありませんが、今年から得られるポジティブな収穫があることは間違いありません。 つらい一日を過ごしているときに試してみてほしいのが、感謝しなければならないことをすべてリストアップしてみることです。そして、リストを完成させた後、最初にあなたを悩ませていた問題が突然些細なことに思えるようになります。
では、パンデミックの年にも同じことが言えるのでしょうか?試してみましょう。まず第一に、多くの従業員が在宅勤務を受け入れ始めました。人々は、ワークスペースに対応するために生活空間をよりよく再編成しました。また、毎日通勤しなくて済むので、睡眠時間が増えたり、運動したり、料理のような実用的なスキルを身につけたりする時間が増えています。料理といえば、自宅で仕事をしてZoomミーティングをすることで、翌日のミーティングで誰もが「社会的に距離を置きたい」と思うのを恐れて、ニンニクのような特定の食べ物を避ける必要がなくなりました。 (個人的に、マット竹内はニンニク好きなのでWelcomeですが・・)
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