今回のマークさんからのメッセージはずばり「kiKI 危機」という内容です。Markさんのいつもながらのポジティブなメッセージをお聴き下さい。
KiKi 危機
As mentioned in last March’s installment, This Too Shall Pass, kiki (危機), the kanji character for crisis is intriguing. The first character means danger , while the second character means opportunity. In case you were wondering, I did use different fonts in the title to reflect this idea.
Looking back just over one year ago, when the pandemic was in its early stages, we were solely focused on the danger aspects of this crisis. Now, with more science-based knowledge and an understanding of the ways of preventing infection, the opportunity side of the word has become a silver lining.
We can see many businesses have adapted to the times by adopting new policies such as work from home. Such changes have allowed companies to continue operations while keeping staff safe. At the same time minimizing costs in the form of rent reduction by reexamining the need for space.
Similarly, employees have taken this opportunity to reevaluate how and where they work. In the pre-pandemic world, the expression work-life balance had become a cliché, but now it is something that people really understand and in some cases may actually attain. The work from home option has given people the opportunity to analyze their workstyles and make positive changes that will lead to not only higher levels of productivity, but also greater levels of life satisfaction which is a step toward overall happiness.
In short, this is clearly a once in a century opportunity for companies to enjoy higher profits while employees embrace the situation to achieve a better quality of life. There has never been a better win-win opportunity for companies and employees alike. Enjoy your Golden Week! Wishing you health and happiness, always.
Mark Tofflemire Tailor Made Inc.
危 機
Mark Tofflemire
Tailor Made Inc.
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