

bepod Let’s NOT Go Green !! もう・・羨む気持ちは捨てましょう!!

Mark Tofflemireさんのポジティブなメッセージをポッドキャスト番外編としてお届けします。 Greenにはそうした意味があったのですね。




  • context : [noun] 貧困。ある単語やフレーズが使われている形
  • bile : [noun] 胆汁,消化を助けるために肝臓で作られる酸性の液体
  • keep (someone) abreast of : [other] あるテーマについて最新の情報を得ること
  • inadvertently: [adv] 意図せず、たまたま
  • instinct : [noun] 学んだのではなく、自然に備わっているもの。本能
To any environmentalists who may be listening, please don’t be upset with this month’s title. In this context, “green” is not related to saving the earth; instead, it is about being envious. To be “green with envy” is an expression that refers to someone who is jealous of another person because of something they have or something that they are doing. The reference to “jealously as being green” comes from literature, in fact from Shakespeare himself. In the book Othello, jealously is described as a “green-eyed monster.” Over time, people believed that jealously caused the overproduction of bile in the stomach that caused a person’s skin to turn green.

In this month’s installment, I thought the topic of envy was something worth discussing because it is indeed a monster that brings a person nothing good. In today’s world of social media, people love to post things about themselves. To be sure, social media has some great benefits like keeping friends and family abreast of what you are doing, sharing family photos, pets, vacations, anything and everything. On the other hand, people can inadvertently or intentionally post images that showcase their lifestyle in a way that others will naturally envy; and, therein lies the danger.

Envy is a feeling that comes naturally. It is one of the most basic of human instincts. It can, if left unchecked, become a poison that can leave us feeling bad about ourselves. So, how do we avoid this self-destructive feeling? The good news is that overcoming it is easier than you may think, and, it gets easier with practice.

Let’s look at some tips to get you on the right path. First, remind yourself of the people and things that bring you true happiness. Spend more time with those people, the people who share similar values to yours. Remind yourself often of the good things that you have in your own life. Health, a comfortable living space, a supportive family, loving friends, and good colleagues, to name a few. By shifting your focus to the good in your life, you will not have much time to think about what others are doing.

Let me end with a simple message from Charles Shulz, creator of Charlie Brown and Snoopy. “I don’t have time to worry about who doesn’t like me…I’m too busy loving the people who love me.”

Wishing you health and happiness, always.

Mark Tofflemire
Tailor Made Inc.


環境問題に関心のある方は、今月のタイトルに怒らないでください。この文脈では、"green "は地球を救うこととは関係なく、むしろ羨ましいことを意味しています。green with envy」とは、他人が持っているものやしていることに嫉妬している人を指す表現です。嫉妬で青くなる」というのは、文学の世界ではシェイクスピア自身が言っています。オセロ』という本の中で、嫉妬は "緑色の目をした怪物 "と表現されています。いつしか人々は、嫉妬によって胃の中の胆汁が過剰に分泌され、人の肌が緑色になると考えるようになりました。


羨望」は自然に生まれる感情です。人間の最も基本的な本能の1つです。しかし、それを放っておくと、自分自身を苦しめる毒になってしまいます。 では、どうすればこの感情を避けることができるのでしょうか?良いニュースは、この感情を克服することは思ったよりも簡単で、練習すれば簡単になります。




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