Artificial intelligence and the rise of machines 人工知能と機械の台頭
Hence, it is important to devise ways to safely develop AI in order to enhance the economy and society in general.
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The human mind is a storehouse of knowledge and the advances that one has been witness to in the past few years bear testimony to the fact. Cars that drive themselves, useful robots, speech recognition systems, 3D printers, and super computers further signify that we are slowly moving into the second machine age with each passing day, thus ensuring a step closer to shaping humanity’s future.
The immense powers at one’s disposal these days have made it possible for humanity to create two of the most important one-time events in history: the emergence of real, useful artificial intelligence (AI) and the connection of most of the people on the planet via a common digital network. Together, these advances promise a fundamental change in growth and succeed in transforming the way physical work is done.
Thinking machines have now escaped their narrow confines and started to demonstrate broad abilities in pattern recognition, complex communication, and other domains that used to be exclusively handled by humans. Artificial intelligence will clearly be indulging in more and more, resulting in decreasing costs, improved output, and creating better lives. AI will act as our crusaders, working on our behalf in the background. However, this capacity of AI is narrow and specific. It merely produces the impression of intelligence through numbers with the absence of interest in approximating how minds equip humans with the power of autonomy and desires. Computers still lack the ability to infer, judge, and take decisions that are solely associated with conventional human intelligence.
AI is already powerful enough to make a dramatic difference to human life. By enhancing human endeavor, it is complementing what people can do and taking it to a different level. However, in the long run, not all the consequences will be positive. There will be threats to security and liberty when AI is applied on a large scale. And even when there are broad gains in store for the society, many individuals will lose out. Just like the slow, original computers were replaced by more advanced machines, AI will perhaps do the same to a whole section of white-collar workers. Although education and training will help and the wealth produced with the aid of AI will be spent on new pursuits that might generate new jobs, many workers will be victims of dislocations.
progression | noun | 前進、発展。より高度な状態に向かって次第に発展するプロセス |
network | noun | ネットワーク。相互につながっている人々または物の集団 |
promise | verb | を期待させる。何かをする、または特定のことが起きるという保証 |
devise | verb | 考案する。計画または発明 |
enhance | verb | 高める、強める。品質または価値をさらに高める |
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