ロック専門誌のRolling Stone誌の表紙をボストンマラソンの犯人Dzhokhar Tsarnaev がカバーストーリーを飾りカバーストリーとして取り上げている。
今回の犯人はストーン誌の読者層とほぼ同じでもある事から今回、表紙を飾ることになったそうだ。Our hearts go out to the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing, and our thoughts are always with them and their families. The cover story we are publishing this week falls within the traditions of journalism and Rolling Stone’s long-standing commitment to serious and thoughtful coverage of the most important political and cultural issues of our day. The fact that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is young, and in the same age group as many of our readers, makes it all the more important for us to examine the complexities of this issue and gain a more complete understanding of how a tragedy like this happens. –THE EDITORS
続きは本誌へ http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/news/jahars-world-20130717