NY市長選を戦っている元下院議員のAnthony Weiner氏がまたまた話題になっている。
As predicted by Anthony Weiner himself, the sex scandal that led to his 2011 resignation from Congress would become an issue during his mayoral campaign. And a series of lewd texts and photos revealed Tuesday has forced Weiner to ask New Yorkers to "give him another chance."
Weiner's wife: "I love him, I have forgiven him"
In 2011, Weiner accidentally tweeted photos of his crotch to his Twitter followers, but claimed he'd been hacked.
He'd mistakenly sent a lewd message to his followers that was intended to be private. He ultimately admitted to having "inappropriate" online relationships with several women
lewd 卑猥なという意味。 loodという発音なる。
forced Weiner to ask New Yorker to "give him another chance." これはforce 誰 to 何を で強要するという意味。
crotch あえて英語で the part of the human body between the legs where they join the torso. 推し量って欲しい。
inappropriate appropriateの反対の意味。ふさわしくないという意味。