On October 17, 2013, Mexico’s lower house of Congress accepted a controversial "soda tax" on sugary beverages and high-calorie food items as part of a broader reform plan recommended by Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. In case the proposal is passed by the Senate, the government will impose a 1 peso (8 cent) tax per liter on sugary beverages, such as soft drinks, and a 5% tax on packaged food items that contain 275 calories or more per 100 grams.
さて、この記事はどうでしょうか? お題のSoda tax in Mexicoと言われれば、ソーダの税金?それもメキシコで?? とはてなマークが頭の上を飛び回ります。
幼少より絵は常に苦手だった私が、このメキシコのソーダ税の記事を読んで頭に浮かべた模様は、以下の通りです。 (絵についてのコメントは不要です---笑)