

アサドを強く叩け! Hit him hard!

今週号のThe Economist 誌のカバーは勿論、シリア大統領のアサド氏についてだ。 この記事の写真はこちら・・・ Assad 今回の犠牲者だろうか、アサドの顔の後ろに白装束で何人もが横たわっている。 オバマ大統領は、大統領自身の決断を下すことを止めて、米国議会に決断を委ねる。 サリンを使った可能性が高く、米国連合の攻撃は時間の問題だと思う。 さてEcoomistの記事はこうだ。 THE grim spectacle of suffering in Syria—100,000 of whose people have died in its civil war—will haunt the world for a long time. Intervention has never looked easy, yet over the past two and a half years outsiders have missed many opportunities to affect the outcome for the better. Now America and its allies have been stirred into action by President Bashar Assad’s apparent use of chemical weapons to murder around 1,000 civilians—the one thing that even Barack Obama has said he would never tolerate. grim=冷酷な spectacle=光景 どんな光景なのか? 10万人の人々がcivil war=内戦 で命を落とした。 この光景が世界の人々を長く haunt=脳裏に深く刻まれている。 Intervention=干渉 はnever looked easy 干渉は一度も簡単ではなかった。過去2年、2年半でoutsider=部外者は多くの収益を得る機会を逃した。 The American president and his allies have three choices: do nothing (or at least do as little as Mr Obama has done to date); launch a sustained assault with the clear aim of removing Mr Assad and his regime; or hit the Syrian dictator more briefly but grievously, as punishment for his use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Each carries the risk of making things worse, but the last is the best option. アメリカ大統領とそのallie=同盟には3つの選択がある。 do nothing: 何もしない launch a sustained assault with the clear aim of removing Mr. Assad and his regime