Tesco’s supplier rebates: A consumer debate テスコの供給業者リベート、消費者の論争
In December last year, Tesco sold off some corporate jets that were used by executives.
perks =(職務に付随する俸給以外の)臨時収入, 役職員の特典, 役得
restrain= 〈感情・欲望などを〉抑える, 抑制する
rebate=(支払った額の一部の)払い戻し, リベート
stiff =【形】 堅い、固い、手ごわい、厄介な
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The rebates that Tesco has been receiving from its suppliers, which were largely unrevealed, come mainly in two forms: as slotting fees and as marketing or distribution fees.
Slotting fee is the amount that suppliers offer to supermarkets in return for giving their products an important place on the retailer’s shelves. On the other hand, marketing or distribution fee is the reward that Tesco received in return for promoting sales of that particular supplier’s products by running promotional offers for them. Although these rewards are not new and were in vogue since the 1970s, recently they grabbed attention because grocery supermarkets had started asking for huge amounts.
Regarding the rebate amounts, analysts estimate that American retailers now collect $18 billion or more every year against $1 billion during the 1990s. In Britain, the big four supermarkets collect such rebates even more than they earn in the form of operating profits.
In case of Australia, according to a report last month by UBS, which is a bank, such high amounts of supplier rebates have boosted profit margins of food retailers by an average of 2.5 percentage points to 5.7% over the past five years.(抜粋)
chain | noun | チェーン。同じ名前や同じ外観を持ち、同じ製品やサービスを販売する事業の集団 |
terminate | verb | 解雇する。(誰か)の仕事を取り上げること |
restrain | verb | 抑える。何かを制限すること |
perks | noun | 特典。通常の給与とは別に受け取る追加のもの |
leading | adj | 主な、主要な。先頭の、最初の |
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