Tesla’s new batteries could challenge power providers 電力会社に挑戦できるテスラの新しいバッテリー
They will be particularly useful in emergency cases such as power outages.
停電は、アメリカでは power outage, blackoutなどが使われます。一方で英国ではpower cutなどが使われます。
Tesla’s new batteries could challenge power providers
May 2, 2015
Tesla CEO Elon Musk, known for his ambitious and often audacious decisions, revealed a line of new electric batteries in a press conference in Los Angeles on April 30. Musk asserted that Tesla’s new lithium-ion batteries would position the socio-economic plane in a more advantageous state because they will enable a shift to low-carbon energy sources. Although solar energy is not very dependable in terms of availability, consumers can use the new batteries to store their energy and then consume it later when needed.
He announced the Tesla Powerwall, a lithium-ion electric battery for residences and small enterprises, and the Tesla Powerpack, a more powerful version designed for utility-scale use. This announcement could be a game changer for the American power-grid system.
Elon Musk also announced the launch of Tesla Energy, a new division of the company that will start shipping the new batteries to U.S. customers by August. According to company sources, deliveries will pick up speed in 2016 from the Gigafactory in Nevada.
The new generation of batteries will be particularly useful in emergency cases such as power outages. Since the batteries will need an outside source to get power, owners of solar panels are expected to be the likely consumers. Users with solar panels can use these batteries to stockpile energy and thus reduce their dependence on traditional power providers.
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set | noun | セット、一組。同じ種類の物のグループ |
store | verb | 保存する、保管する。後で使えるように何かを保存すること |
traditional | adj | 従来の、これまでの。人々が通常行っている典型的なこと |
emergency | noun | 非常時、緊急。直ちに行動する必要がある予想しなかった状況 |
external | adj | 外部の。何かの外部または表面、物事の外側 |
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