

Internet from the skies 空からインターネット



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OneWeb plans to launch 648 low-cost satellites that can orbit at a low altitude of 1200 kilometers.


ご参考までにBusiness English Proの中級レベルの英文となります。かなり情報が増えます。

Many parts of the world are still outside the reach of the Internet because of technical limitations. However, several companies are building innovative technologies to widen the reach of the Internet to almost all parts of the world.According to 2014 data, 39% of the global population, which is close to 3 billion people, has access to the Internet. That leaves another 4 billion that are living without the Internet. However, at least four tech companies are evolving their strategies to bring the Internet even to these spread-out areas. Google is already testing hundreds of helium balloons that can be guided around and stay airborne for several months to provide connectivity to remote areas. SpaceX and OneWeb are experimenting with satellites that can provide connectivity to large tracts of inhabited land. On the other hand, Facebook is planning to unleash hundreds of solar-powered, propeller-driven drones that can fly over specific areas that do not have Internet connectivity.Greg Wyler, the founder of OneWeb, plans to launch 648 low-cost satellites that can orbit at a relatively low altitude of 1200 kilometers. Each satellite is expected to cost $350,000 and the project has a total outlay of approximately $2 billion. On the other hand, the satellites of SpaceX will be more complex and expensive, but they can cover wider tracts of land. SpaceX has a cost outlay of about $10 billion for this project. The satellites from SpaceX and OneWeb will be ready for the market by 2020, while Google expects to start commercial trial of its balloons as early as next year. However, all these companies will have to get the necessary regulatory approval to make global Internet a reality.







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