

SARS-like virus kills two more in Saudi: ministry

日本ではGWで海外からの帰国者が本日peak を迎えた。そんな中、静かではあるがSARSがまだ世界でくすぶっている。 夜のNEWSでは、中国で鳥インフルで子供が感染したという知らせもあった。 さて、インフルエンザは各国の経済に重くのしかかってくるものがあるかも知れないと危惧している。 さて、ニュースは下記の通り。サウジでのSARSだ。 AFP(フランス系通信社)が伝えるとところによると、SARSに似たウィルスがサウジで更に二人が亡くなっている。 以下の記事を読むと、SARS-likeつまりSARSに似たウィルスが二人の命を奪ったこと。これはコロナウィルスと王国が発表したらしい。 健康省(health ministry)というのだろうか、そちらの発表によればあらたなコロナウィルスは二人の犠牲者と三人目は安定している状況と通信社SPAは伝えている。 レポートはnationalityつまり国籍をidentify(明かす)していない。 an intensive care unit(ICU)これはご存知だと思うが、ICUつまり集中治療室のこと。 詳細は下記の記事を読んでもらいたいが、最後の段落に The mysterious virus has been deadliest in Saudi Arabia, and the other cases were reported in Jordan, Germany and Britain とある。つまりミステリアス(不可解)なウィルスが最も深刻な状況としてサウジに、その他、ヨルダン、ドイツ、イギリスにも見られると書かれている。 鳥インフルエンザ、軽視できない状況にあるのではないでしょうか。 AFP - A new SARS-like virus has killed two more people in Saudi Arabia, taking the number of deaths from the coronavirus that the kingdom has announced to seven in one week, the health ministry said. "The health ministry has announced that three infections by the new coronavirus have been registered during the past days in Al-Ahsaa. Two of the victims have died while the third is in a stable condition," state news agency SPA said late Sunday. The report did not identify the nationality of the latest victims. On Wednesday, the health ministry announced five Saudis recently died of the SARS-like virus and that two more were being treated in an intensive care unit. The World Health Organisation said on Friday that three new cases of the virus were detected in Saudi Arabia. The outbreak has occurred in the oil-rich Red Sea region of Al-Ahsaa, which is near Bahrain and Qatar. The latest deaths bring the number of people who have died after contracting the virus -- first detected last year -- to 18, of which 11 have been reported in Saudi Arabia. The SPA report on Sunday said the ministry "reassures everyone that the cases are still not widespread compared with other flu viruses," adding there was "no reason to worry". The ministry says 13 infections have been "recently" registered in the kingdom. The virus was first detected in mid-2012 and is a cousin of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), which triggered a scare 10 years ago when it erupted in east Asia, leaping to humans from animal hosts. The mysterious virus has been deadliest in Saudi Arabia, and the other cases were reported in Jordan, Germany and Britain