

Obama wins a second term as U.S. president

オバマ大統領が再選された。 各紙報道の角度を見ていきたい。 Bloombergは勿論、金融市場についてこう伝えた・・・

Dollar Falls as Obama Win Paves Way for Monetary Easing

これは、市場でも言われていた事で、ロムニー候補が勝てば円安、オバマ大統領が勝てば円高というシナリオだった。 オバマ大統領&バーナンキ議長の金融緩和政策の継続によってドルは売られる地合に。   また、敗者であるロムニー氏の敗北宣言も

Romney's Concession Speech

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, my friends. Thank you so very much. (APPLAUSE) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I have just called President Obama to congratulate him on his victory. His supporters and his campaign also deserve congratulations. I also want to thank Ann, the love of my life. (APPLAUSE) She would have been a wonderful first lady. She's - she has been that and more to me and to our family and to the many people that she has touched with her compassion and her care. I thank my sons for their tireless work on behalf of the campaign, and thank their wives and children for taking up the slack as their husbands and dads have spent so many weeks away from home. さすが、アメリカ人だと思いました。ロムニー氏は自分の奥さんに対して謝辞を述べ、「彼女は素晴らしいファーストレディになっていたはずだ」と堂々と語っている。日本の政治家の口からは絶対に聴けない発言だと思った。   最後に選挙に関連して面白い記事を見つけた。 ある在宅ケアの正看護師と不在者投票にきた老夫婦の話だ。 あらすじを書くと、老夫婦のご主人が投票用紙に書き込んでいた。婦人がいくつかの質問をしながらそれを手伝っていたところ、ご主人からの反応がなくなった。 慌てた正看護師は彼の心肺停止を確認、その後CPR処置を行い、どうにか一命をとりとめた。 しかし、驚いたのは、その老主人が目覚めて最初に口にした言葉は「自分は投票できたか?」との一言。 そんなお話だ。読みやすい文章なので読んで見て欲しい。 Ty Houston, 48, a home care registered nurse, was toiling on his absentee ballot Monday afternoon when things got strange at township offices on 13 Mile. "I was filling out the form as were an elderly couple sitting at a nearby table," said Houston on Tuesday. "His wife, who was helping him fill out the ballot, asked him a couple of questions but he didn't respond. She screamed for help and I went over to see what I could do." Houston laid the victim on the floor and went to work. "He was dead," Houston said. "He had no heartbeat and he wasn't breathing. I started CPR, and after a few minutes, he revived and started breathing again. He knew his name and his wife's name." What happened next astounded Houston and the victim's wife. "The first question he asked was 'Did I vote?'" Dumbfounded, the man's wife told him that whether he voted was the least of their concerns. "She told him 'Your life is my concern,'" Houston said. According to Houston, the man — who had a tracheotomy in his throat — gulped down a few more breaths and then told her there are only two things that are important to me: "That I love you and that I finished what I came here to do … vote." Which he had done. EMS personnel then took the pair to William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, but only after the couple wrapped Houston in thanks and hugs. "It was God's divine word that I be there. Originally, I was just going skip the ballot and just go to lunch that day," Houston said. Clerk Sharon Tischler confirmed the story Tuesday but said she didn't know the names of the couple. Houston also wasn't able to recall their names. "It was definitely a 911 scenario," Tischler said. "It was great there was someone around to render aid." From The Detroit News: