They toasted their greed inside a Manhattan hotel, raising glasses in one hand while reaching for payoffs with the other.
Valentine’s Day meant envelopes stuffed with cash. And Election Day meant trying to bribe their way onto the citywide ballot — or even into City Hall as Mayor Bloomberg’s successor.
バレンタインデーはつまり・・封筒に詰め込まれた現金を意味する。 選挙日はニューヨーク市全体の票に買収をかける日、むしろ現ブルームバーグ市長の後継者となる日か?
The corruption complaint that left state Sen. Malcolm Smith and City Councilman Dan Halloran in handcuffs Tuesday was stunning in both its brazen details and the business-as-usual tone of its participants.
Halloran, captured on a surreptitious government tape, explained the approach simply last September after allegedly pocketing a $7,500 payoff:
“You can’t do anything without the f------ money,” the Queens Republican declared. “... Money is what greases the wheels — good, bad or indifferent.”
クイーンズの共和党はこう断言した 「お前らは( )な金がなければ何もできねぇじゃないか!!」 「金ってもんは、(いい意味でも、悪い意味でも、意味がなくても)車輪に油をさすようなもんだ」
これは、あまり出回らないのだろうが、今回の裁判の書類の抜粋。 こんな風に書類が書かれているわけだ。