

James Gandolfiniが逝った

ジェームズ・ギャンドルフィーニが昨日亡くなった。51歳だった。 彼の代表作と言われているThe Sopranosは邦題「『哀愁のマフィア』の主人公トニー役が絶賛され、エミー賞(3回)、ゴールデングローブ賞、俳優組合賞などで主演男優賞を受賞。   6年ほど前のインタビュー記事だが、彼がどれだけThe Sopranosの中で演じたTonyになりきっていたのか、そして視聴者がTonyとして彼を見ていたいのかが分かる記事だ。 テレビ番組が放映されてから間もなく、夜遅くにマンハッタンの彼のアパートのドアを誰かが叩いた。220px-JamesGandolfiniSept11TIFF 彼がドアを開けると、男の顔は真っ白になった。 それから間もなくその男は、自分がTonyだと勘違いしたのだ。 つまり、役の中のTonyはマフィアなので、強盗に入ろうとした男が逆にマフィアが中から出てきたことに驚いたというエピソードを彼は話している。 それだけ核心の演技だったのだと思う。 This Is James Gandolfini, He's Not Tony
Not long after "The Sopranos" began airing, James Gandolfini remembers someone banging on the door of his Manhattan apartment late at night. "So I opened the door and the guy just turns white," Gandolfini said in a recent magazine interview. "All of a sudden I realize, `Oh ... he thinks I'm Tony."' Any blurring of the line between actor Gandolfini and troubled mob boss Soprano is understandable given the towering achievement of Gandolfini's performance, which resumes Sunday on HBO. The 45-year-old actor has portrayed the iconic criminal for eight years now, passionately channeling his similarities into the character. "I'm playing an Italian lunatic from New Jersey, and that's basically what I am," Gandolfini has said. The actor and character differ in many ways, of course, including their attitudes toward homicide. While Tony Soprano is a larger-than-life figure, Gandolfini is exceptionally modest and obsessive — he has described himself as "a 260-pound Woody Allen." He didn't begin acting until his mid-20s, then became a little-known character actor before "The Sopranos" made him one of the most recognizable faces in television history. Gandolfini is notoriously press-shy and declines nearly all interview requests — including those from The Associated Press for this article. His usual response is that there are so many other actors more interesting than him.