

historic blizzard……./ petty tricks…….世界はいろいろ

北米の歴史的猛吹雪(historic blizzard)が収まらず、マサチューセッツ州では40万以上が停電(power outages)となったらしい。 で収まる気配がない。 停電はblack outっていう言い方もあるけどね。そうそう、日本の場合、停電が仮に半日とか続いたらその地域の 電力会社の社長の首が確実に飛ぶらしい・・・・ これある電力会社の役員が言っていた。 2003年に起こったニューヨーク大停電は30時間ほど続いて、金融取引がストップしてその損失が60億ドルとか・・・ 今の日本の送電網(transmission network)を考えると、戦争でも起きない限り30時間の停電は発生しないだろうな (オイラ別に電力会社の回し者じゃないぜ)   話変わって中国の”レーダー照射”の件だけど、新華社の英語版の記事、Japan's petty tricks ….ってあんた。 最近テレビでよく見る中国の女性報道官、名前を華 春瑩(かしゅんえい)って言うらしい英語表記は

Hua Chunying。1970年生まれ・・・・あああんまり関係ないか。


The Chinese Ministry of National Defense has confirmed that no fire-control radar was used と中国側が主張している以上、日本とは平行線だよなぁ〜・・・・ 新華社は共産党御用達メディアで、これは新華社に限らないけど・・ ただ、メディアによっては管理・規制が緩いこともあるし、地域差もある・・ でも新華社は組織上、中国共産党・国務院直轄の組織だからね(国務院は日本で言うと内閣みたいなもの) 基本的には政府・共産党の公式見解を代弁している。 なんで大して面白くないけど、今回のような事があったときはチェックしている。


400,000 lose power in historic blizzard as storm expected to continue into midday; damage feared along coast

LinkComments (4)02/09/2013 7:13 AM
By Martin Finucane, Globe Staff The historic blizzard that lashed Massachusetts with high winds and dumped a thick blanket of snow overnight has caused more than 400,000 power outages. And it’s not over yet. NStar reported 241,637 outages early this morning, while National Grid reported 162,763. The National Weather Service says moderate to heavy snow will continue to fall into midday.
Commentary: Japan's petty tricks
counterproductive to ties with China

 English.news.cn   2013-02-09 10:22:15

by Xinhua writer Shang Jun

BEIJING, Feb. 9 (Xinhua) -- Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made another attempt on Friday to mislead the international community by demanding China apologize for the recent radar incident.

If there is an apology to be made for the latest unease in China-Japan relations, it should be from the Japanese side.

The accusation that Chinese warships targeted fire-control radars at Japanese vessels in the East China Sea on Jan. 30 is a sheer fabrication. The Chinese Ministry of National Defense has confirmed that no fire-control radar was used.

To safeguard the overall situation of China-Japan relations, China had taken Japan's allegation seriously and immediately conducted an earnest investigation, but the truth disappointed Tokyo.

As a matter of fact, Japan should be held responsible for any possible missteps as its Self-Defense Forces vessels had closely traced and monitored Chinese warships which were conducting regular training in high sea.

By spreading false accusation and posing as a poor victim, Japan had intended to tarnish China's image so as to gain sympathy and support, but a lie does not help.

While hyping up the "China threat" with irresponsible remarks, the Abe government is boosting Japan's military strength. For the first time in years, Japan raised its military budget this year despite its economic woes. This is seen as a worrisome signal by its Asian neighbors troubled by bitter memories of Japan's militarism during the Second World War.

Japan's petty tricks are counterproductive to the improvement of its ties with China, which have been souring over Tokyo's provocative move to "nationalize" the Diaoyu Islands last year. The disputed islands have been China's inherent territory since ancient times.

Uichiro Niwa, who served as Japanese ambassador to China from mid-2010 till late last year, acknowledged recently that his government misread the situation and made a mistake in choosing to "buy" the Diaoyu Islands, which ignited contention.

A Chinese saying goes that "it is better for the doer to undo what he has done." It is time for Japan to make sincere efforts to rectify its wrongdoing and mend relations with China, rather than playing petty tricks and stirring up tension.

The stakes are high for the two Asian neighbors and economic giants to improve their strained ties, which needs both political courage and wisdom.

China has been exercising maximum restraint and stayed committed to solving the dispute through dialogue and consultation.

It is hoped that Japan can face up to reality and history, and act on its words to contribute to the China-Japan strategic relationship of mutual benefit.