

BEPro10日目 Virtual Money

朝の通勤電車でDictationを行った。内容は悲惨だ。ご参考までにどの程度悲惨でどの程度聞き取れているのか恥をしのんで下記に載せてみる。スペルもかなり怪しいものが散見される。 20130413_FND001_0Bitcoinはもうそれ自体が単語となっていることも学んだ。 全く音すらも聞き取れなかった場合は (     )でくくってしまい後から本文を見ながら確認作業をしている。 In January ( h  ) (    ) cust 15 dollars. Now it has settled 170 dollars take out a bit coins circulate to two billion dollars.Bit coin is one of the most hottest investment inflated by the social media (loose) capital in search of newest new thing.Perhaps even bank depositers un-nerved by recent event in Cyprus. Yet the price is the least interesting thing bit coin more important currency ability to make e-commerce as much easier (  ) today. Bit coin is not only digital currency (  ) successful one. But what makes bit coins diffrent is that unlike other currencies,it is needed to created by ministry single authority such as central bank. In stead of monetary poicy, it determined by clever mathmatics.New bit coins are aquired by having buy or sold complex mathmatical programs in which the winers get vertual cash.The coins themsleves are simply strings of numbers. They are thus the completely (de-centraized) currecy sort of digital gold.All the bit coins are (    ) final.The transaction cannot be traced so purchse tent to be tech coverd (  ) free of government controle or thoese are engaged in illegul businesses. But some legal businesses have started to accept bit coins. Of course the face is challanges.For example leading the bit coins exchanged in Tokyo.process is about 80% of bit coin trades if it failed the currency is cut off the needs. Also the currency's legal status is unclear.But (US) regulatry agency has proposed regulateing the bit coins exchanges with US recoginized its (    ) But threat of competition unlike real money cannnot be created realm but new digital currency can be. Alternatives are already development.    And what if country issues digital money? At that point, a bit coins probably will be bust.But if that happned, it's created still have something.But chances are some form digital money will make last impression on the financial land scape. 20130413_FNC400さて、今日の結果は久しぶりにPerfect scoreで50点を頂き、結果現時点では9位につけている。 本日は unnerve  ,decentralised,  legitimacy の3単語をmy vocabulary に登録 読んだスピードはかなり遅く 38 wpm それにしてもBitcoinのハイパーインフレは今年に入ってすごいことになっている。