

大統領となれば・・・plays golf with Tiger Woods

アメリカの歴代大統領はゴルフ好きが多いそうだ。 こんな本も出版されたくらい ーー>http://www.amazon.com/First-Off-Tee-Presidential-Cheaters/dp/B000AAN4US これは日本語訳も出ている。http://www.amazon.co.jp/大統領のゴルフ-Jr-ドン・ヴァン-ナッタ/dp/4140808993 で、オバマがタイガー・ウッズとゴルフをしたらしい。 オバマはan avid weekend golfer、日本語で言うと週イチ・ゴルファー。まぁ。休日にゴルフ にでかけるオヤジという感じ。 an avidなので、接待ゴルフ(mixing business and golf )ではなくかなり熱心っていうことかな・・ そうそう、田中角栄が総理大臣になったばかりの時(1972年)にジャック・ニクラウス(Jack Nicklaus )と 小金井カントリークラブで一緒にラウンドしている。    

In a first, Obama plays golf with Tiger Woods

By Steve Holland PALM CITY, Florida | Sun Feb 17, 2013 3:35pm EST
PALM CITY, Florida (Reuters) - President Barack Obama had a chance to see how golf is played at the highest level on Sunday, teeing off with Tiger Woods, the world's No. 2 golfer. Obama, an avid weekend golfer, and Woods, who won his 75th title last month, played together for the first time at the Floridian Yacht and Golf Club. Less than a month after starting his second term, Obama is on a three-day golf getaway in Florida, while his wife, Michelle, and their daughters, Malia and Sasha, are skiing in Colorado. On Saturday he received instructional tips from Woods' former swing coach, Butch Harmon. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama and Woods were joined on the course by U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk and Jim Crane, the resort owner who also owns the Houston Astros baseball team. Tim Rosaforte, a Golf Channel analyst and Golf Digest writer, broke the news, tweeting that Woods holed out from a greenside sand bunker on the first hole. "Historic day in golf. Their first round," Rosaforte said. There was no word on how Obama played. The White House did not permit the media pool onto the grounds of the resort in order to record any part of the Woods-Obama round. Woods, who usually steers clear of politics, is the top-ranked American golfer and second in the world. He lives about an hour south of the Floridian club in Jupiter, Florida. Woods has been rebuilding his image after extramarital affairs came to light in 2009 that led to his divorce. Like many of his predecessors, Obama has escaped the pressures of the Oval Office by taking to the golf course. He has played more than 100 rounds of golf as president and typically tees it up with a group of close-knit friends. (Reporting By Steve Holland; Editing by Bill Trott)