


最近話題、というか日本にも被害が及びつつある中国の大気汚染。 記事では石炭火力発電が主要因で (Coal, which accounts for 80% of China's energy use is a big factor and power plants are a significant contributor to China's air quality ) 加えて車の排気ガスによるものだそうだ ( low grade fuel burned by China's swelling fleet of cars and trucks)。 で汚染原因の排ガスの元である石油会社で、中国の3大国営企業のシノペック( China Petrochemical Corporation) 中国石油化工集団公司の空気清浄のコストについて試算してるけど・・・そんな企業努力なんかするかな? 電力で言うと、中国は大気汚染とコスト面から原発を推進している。いまのところ 13基の原子炉(総設備容量は1080万kW)が稼働中で、32基の新規建設を承認している (因みに日本では50基・出力約5000万kWの原発があって、現在は関西電力の大飯原発3,4号の2基のみ稼働中) でもって建設・計画中だけで70基。2020年までに約7000万kW、2050年までに230基(3億2400万kW) とし、世界最大の原発保有国になる見込み。 汚染もヤバイけど、この原発推進の方がヤバイ感じがするけどな。  

Cost of Clean Air Fogs Outlook for Sinopec

February 4, 2013, 5:20 a.m. ET


image A group of expatriates distribute face masks to pedestrians along the Bund to raise awareness of air pollution in downtown Shanghai. A change in the weather has helped clear the polluted air over Beijing. The question now is how to prevent a recurrence, and who pays. Coal, which accounts for 80% of China's energy use, is a big factor and power plants are a significant contributor to China's air quality. But another important part of the problem is low grade fuel burned by China's swelling fleet of cars and trucks. State-owned oil refiner Sinopec600028.SH -0.42% has already put up its hand to accept some responsibility for improving matters. Chairman Fu Chengyu said on national television that Sinopec would invest around 30 billion yuan ($4.8 billion) a year to improve its refiners, up from an average of 20 billion yuan annually for the last decade. It isn't clear whether that will be enough to significantly improve air quality that is worse than an airport smoking lounge. But the additional investment is a big bump nevertheless—the extra 10 billion yuan compares with free cash flow of 5.8 billion yuan for 2011. Sinopec may not bear all the burden for the cleanup. The government could help out, either by providing a subsidy, or raising the price end users pay for gasoline and diesel. But Sinopec could be hurt also by restrictions on car use, already in place in Beijing and other crowded cities, that might mean demand for fuel grows more slowly. When the Beijing smog was at its worst, buildings 20 meters away were difficult to discern. The cost of cleaning up the air means visibility on Sinopec's earnings is reduced.