いつからやるのか? 火曜日から土曜日に更新されるので、明日4/9から挑戦いたします!
All 4 levels every day might be overdoing it don’t you think? Perhaps you could do what you expect the students to do – for a while at least. Or, you might consider one of the lower levels as a review and then challenge yourself with a higher level but I do think 4 levels a day would quickly result in burn out. We often have good intentions but when we start implementing our plans, we realise that we have overestimated the time we have.One idea is that, you could set your timer for whatever period you decide, and see if you complete one of the lower levels within that time frame. That could be something you build before going on to the next level and it is a great ‘story’ to share with others. As your speed improves, so does your comprehension. I think we agree that today’s businessmen are expected to skim through a lot of material and if they could improve that, it is a plus for the company to advertise.Just to reiterate, just like physical experts say, a regular 20-30 mins a day is better than a once or twice a week four hours. However, this is just my opinion. 4 LevelはちょっとToo Muchなようです。 でも、1レベルだけでも毎日やる!これを決めました。