

乳ガンの確率から乳房を切除 Jolieさん

女優でブラピの奥様であるJolieさんがNew York TimesのOpinion欄に投稿しましたが、それが大きな話題となりました。


On April 27, I finished the three months of medical procedures that the mastectomies involved. During that time I have been able to keep this private and to carry on with my work.

4月27日に私は乳房切除を含む、3ヶ月の治療を終えた。 その間はこの事実を隠し、仕事も行った、とあります。

But I am writing about it now because I hope that other women can benefit from my experience. Cancer is still a word that strikes fear into people’s hearts, producing a deep sense of powerlessness. But today it is possible to find out through a blood test whether you are highly susceptible to breast and ovarian cancer, and then take action.

しかし、今ここで(この事実を)書く事で他の女性にとって私の体験が何かの役に立てばと思います。「癌」は今でも人々の心を怯えさせ、無力という意味をも生み出す言葉です。 でも、現在は血液検査で乳癌や卵巣癌になる確率を知ることができ、(予防に向けて)行動をとることができます。

My own process began on Feb. 2 with a procedure known as a “nipple delay,” which rules out disease in the breast ducts behind the nipple and draws extra blood flow to the area. This causes some pain and a lot of bruising, but it increases the chance of saving the nipple.

私の一連のプロセスは2月2日にnipple delay、これは病気の一種で乳首の裏側の脈管が余分な血液が流れるものです。これが原因で痛みを覚えることもしばしばでした。

Two weeks later I had the major surgery, where the breast tissue is removed and temporary fillers are put in place. The operation can take eight hours. You wake up with drain tubes and expanders in your breasts. It does feel like a scene out of a science-fiction film. But days after surgery you can be back to a normal life.


Nine weeks later, the final surgery is completed with the reconstruction of the breasts with an implant. There have been many advances in this procedure in the last few years, and the results can be beautiful.


I wanted to write this to tell other women that the decision to have a mastectomy was not easy. But it is one I am very happy that I made. My chances of developing breast cancer have dropped from 87 percent to under 5 percent. I can tell my children that they don’t need to fear they will lose me to breast cancer.

私は、他の女性(乳房切除を検討している)に対してそれは決して楽ではなかったことを伝えたい気持ちから筆をとりました。 しかし、私は(それを成し得たことで)とても幸せです。私が乳癌になる確率は87%から5%に軽減しました。そして私の子供達にあなた達の母親を乳癌に取られる恐れはないのよ、と伝えることができます。
