


こういうのは何とも・・・若い夫婦が病院へ向かう途中交通事故に遭い亡くなったが、妊娠中の奥さんの お腹の子供は無事だったらしい。 ところで、 young Jewish Orthodox couple と冒頭にあるけど、これがメキシカンだったりアラブ系だったら どういう風に報道されるのだろうか? ちょっと不思議に思った。でもって末尾では、 ブルックリン(Brooklyn)にはイスラエルを除くと最大の正統派ユダヤ人共同体があると書いている Brooklyn is home to the largest community of ultra-orthodox Jews outside Israel・・・ で、このあたり何度か行ったことがあるけど、男性は黒尽くめの服にシルクハットみたいな帽子を被り、 もみあげを長く伸ばしていて、ひと目でそれと分かる格好している人がたくさん居たなぁ。  

Expectant NYC couple killed in crash; baby survives

NEW YORKA young Jewish Orthodox couple en route to a hospital to have their first child were killed in a car crash early Sunday, but their child survived. Nathan and Raizy Glauber, both 21, were using a car service to go to the hospital when another vehicle crashed into the side of theirs at an intersection in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn, said Hasidic community activist Isaac Abraham. Nathan Glauber was pronounced dead at Beth Israel Hospital, while his wife died at Bellevue, police said. The couple's son was delivered at the scene and was taken to a hospital in serious condition, said Abraham, who is also a neighbor of Raizy Glauber's parents and lives two blocks from the scene of the crash. The driver of the vehicle that hit the couple's car fled, police said. No arrests have yet been made. The condition of the car service's driver is unclear, police said. Abraham called the couple's death "a tragedy beyond (belief) just coming off a joyous holiday as Purim" as they were getting ready to welcome their first child. Abraham often speaks publicly for the different sects in the ultra-orthodox community, which has strict rules governing clothing, social customs and interaction with the outside world. Men wear dark clothing that includes a long coat and a fedora-type hat and often have long beards and ear locks. Brooklyn is home to the largest community of ultra-orthodox Jews outside Israel, more than 250,000.