Mark To The Market with Mark Tofflemire
今回のMark Tofflemireさんと二人でつくる「ポッドキャスト番外編」となります。いつもの記事主体のものとは違いますが、英語学習をするうえでの役に立つ情報がちりばめられていると思います。 是非、お楽しみ下さい。
Key vocabulary and idioms
A nice treat (idiom): something special, something for a special occasion
Having sushi is a nice treat, but too expensive to eat every day.
Give something a try (idiom): try something, be adventurous
I’ve heard this menu item is really delicious. Shall we give it a try?
Jargon: specialized language used by professionals in a specific industry
The presentation was hard to understand because the speaker used a lot of medical jargon.
Time slot: a specific time on a schedule
The dentist has a 10 A.M. time slot available if you would like to book an appointment.
Vary: having some range
Because speaker’s levels vary, we need to assess students abilities before they join the class.
Grammar structure
You mentioned something about (A) and (B). What is the connection?
This is useful when you would heard parts of what a speaker said and do not want them to repeat everything. This is a more active approach.
You mentioned something about ( a new type of fabric) and ( charging a smartphone). What is the connection?
Key message
Not participating in a conversation has a greater risk than making mistakes in the conversation.
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