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情報収集と英語力を身に付けるためのプログラム“Business English Pro”および「1日10分ビジネス英語」が2019年9月2日(月)から以下の通りその仕様が変わります。

① 日々のコンテンツ更新サイクルの変更  

② 記事の拡充
これまでBeginning LevelやBasic Levelの記事は100語程度で構成されておりました。
また、それぞれのレベルは主に記事の長さのよってクラス分けしておりました。 しかし語数が限られることで、情報量も必然的に削減せざるを得ませんでした。 

改訂後は、使用される語彙の難易度を変えることで、より多くの情報を伝達できるように努めて参ります。 また上位レベルのIntermediate Level, Advanced LevelはFull Storyをそのまま教材として利用することでより実践的な学習を行っていただけるようになります。

③ 新体制と主なアップグレードについて  
9月からの新体制による制作チームは、ビジネス経験と語学教育の両方のバックグランドを兼ね備えたメンバーが担当致します。 新体制でのスタートで特筆すべき点は以下の2つとなります。 

A) イディオムや実践的なビジネス英語表現を、より多く記事に取り入れることで、受講
者は語彙力や読解力を高めることになります。 特に語彙力を増やすためには同一単語を繰り返し読み込むこと、それもシーン毎にどのように単語が使われているかを知ることが大切になります。新チームはこの点に特に留意してプログラムを構築します。 

B) 記事内容の理解度を測る日々の設問の精度が向上します。 設問には、事実を素早く事から探し出すタスクや、ボキャブラリービルディングを目的に作られたものなどが含まれています。 

そのような中で最も重要な設問は「記事が何を伝えようとしているのか?」を読み解くことです。これは受講者にとって一つのチャレンジとなります。 推論を問う設問は2016年に改変されたTOEIC試験などでも取り入れられるようになりました。 Business English Proでも積極的にこうした設問を取り入れる事で各種試験のスコアアップに役立てたいと考えています。 

Sample questions

What is NOT indicated about life on Mars?
1. It is hard on the human body.
2. It may be possible at some point in the future
3. It has already been achieved by two countries
4. It will expose humans to harmful radiation

In line two of the third paragraph, the word “unveiled” is used. It is closest in meaning to which of the following words?
1. Benefited
2. Recovered
3. Disclosed
4. Profited

According to the article, why have private enterprises become interested in space travel?
1. It is socially acceptable.
2. It is potentially lucrative
3. It is publicly funded.
4. It is morally correct.

Based on NASA’s estimates, when can we realistically expect people to actually be living on Mars?
1. In less than 5 years.
2. In about a decade.
3. In the next century.
4. In a quarter century.

What is implied in the sentence "With our own planet in a state of environmental disaster, many suggest spending this money on protecting Earth”?
1. The environment of Mars will be difficult to change in the near future.
2. Investing in Earth’s environment is more important than Mars.
3. Many people disagree with environmental destruction.
4. Protecting Earth is important, but Mars is more important.

④ レベル間の連続性を実現 (Business English Proのみ)
Business English Pro は Archived Articles(Menu)からご自身のレベル以外のコンテンツについても学習頂けます。前述の通り、これまでは記事の長さを変えることでレベル分けを行って参りましたが、改訂後は、Beginning LevelとBasic Levelで一つの記事を共有。

ただし、各レベルで設問の難易度を変えていきます。 同様にIntermediate Level, Advanced Levelも1つの記事を共有し設問の難易度を二段階に設定致します。

この変更により、受講者は、例えば Beginning Level を履修した後に Basic Level を学習することにより難易度の高い設問に挑戦し、理解度を深める事となります。 
反対に Advanced Level 受講の方が、Intermediate Level の設問を解くことにより記事の理解度を高める事となります。 

 記事の長さは Beginning 並びにBasic Levelでこれまで100~120語で構成されておりました。この語彙数が改訂後には300語程度に増える予定です。この事は一見、受講者にとって負担となるようですが、使用する語彙レベルを調整するため、より多くの情報を読みやすい文体と単語を使ってお届けする事になります。 

改訂前の Business English Pro は、上位レベルの文章を短く区切ることで調整をしておりました。 Intermediate Level, Advanced Level は現在400語程度で構成されていますが、改訂後も400語から500語でとし、更に読み応えのあるコンテンツへとグレードを上げる予定です。




アップグレードされる新 Business English Pro を様々なシーン、目的でより一層ご活用頂けますよう、今後とも宜しくお願い申し上げます。



Business English Pro運営事務局


About the changes of the English program
Scheduled for September 2019

Business English Pro and 10 min Biz English will change their specifications from September 2, 2019, in order to enhance subscribers/listeners information gathering skills and overall English capabilities.

1) The program upgrades for the delivery cycle will commence from Monday, September 2, and, thereafter will be held each weekday from Monday to Friday. As before, no contents will be available on national holidays, but the new system will be based on a Japanese calendar so that we can better service our primarily Japanese audience.

2) The length of the articles will be expanded, and the Advanced Level article will continue to use the full story as a learning program, and more practical learning will be made. We will be bringing in a team of experienced writers with various areas of expertise and knowledge.

All of them come from academic backgrounds and many of them are living or have lived in Japan, so they understand the local audience.

In addition, so far the site has offered 100-word articles in the Basic Level. However, the abridged articles, which are based on the full articles, will offer much the same details as the full articles using simplified vocabulary.

The new team of writers and content producers have both business experience and language education backgrounds. They will be in charge of making new daily learning programs from September. There will be two notable upgrades to the content.

A) First, stories will be written to include relevant idioms and business language to help users expand their vocabulary and reading comprehension skills. Writers will make efforts to repeat language in various articles so that readers can learn through repetition. This will also allow readers to see how the same vocabulary can be applied in various contexts.

B) Secondly, changes will be evident in the comprehension questions. Questions will include some fact-finding and vocabulary building, and, most importantly, questions will challenge readers to understand implied meanings, inferend lateral thinking.

Similar to changes that were made to TOEIC in 2016, we aim to make this program practical and efficient in helping users to build on their existing skills. This program will be useful for the TOEIC test itself with vocabulary selected for this purpose and comprehension questions about articles phrased in ways to help improve your TOEIC Test scores.

Sample questions

What is NOT indicated about life on Mars?
1. It is hard on the human body.
2. It may be possible at some point in the future
3. It has already been achieved by two countries
4. It will expose humans to harmful radiation

In line two of the third paragraph, the word “unveiled” is used. It is closest in meaning to which of the following words?
1. Benefited
2. Recovered
3. Disclosed
4. Profited

According to the article, why have private enterprises become interested in space travel?
1. It is socially acceptable.
2. It is potentially lucrative
3. It is publicly funded.
4. It is morally correct.

Based on NASA’s estimates, when can we realistically expect people to actually be living on Mars?
1. In less than 5 years.
2. In about a decade.
3. In the next century.
4. In a quarter century.

What is implied in the sentence "With our own planet in a state of environmental disaster, many suggest spending this money on protecting Earth”?
1. The environment of Mars will be difficult to change in the near future.
2. Investing in Earth’s environment is more important than Mars.
3. Many people disagree with environmental destruction.
4. Protecting Earth is important, but Mars is more important.

3) The Business English Pro has been able to learn from Archived Articles outside of than their own level. The length of articles has been slightly different so far, and we have been using it as a level-share.

After the upgrade, a single article will be shared at the "Basic" and "Beginner" levels. In these two levels, the level of difficulty of some questions will vary. The “Intermediate” and “Advanced” levels also share a single article and the level of difficulty of some questions in these respective levels will vary.

These changes will allow participants to take on greater challenges by trying to answer more difficult questions at the Basic Level after they take join the Beginning Level, for example.
Conversely, users of the Advanced Level course will be able to gain confidence by solving Intermediate Level questions.

(* Score and rankings are only measured at your own level, as before.)

With these revisions, questions will need applied logic in order to solve them, in a similar way to the challenges faced in TOEIC's Q&A, particularly Part 7.

In addition, the new team members are all professionals in their respective fields, as well as native speakers who are familiar with Japanese English learners. so that the lexicon and the idioms that are required in business, but are less familiar to Japanese learners, will be reflected in the program starting in September.

We are confident that users will be pleased with the changes and will greatly benefit from the new format.

Remember, in order to make continuous progress, we must all embrace change!

July 31st, 2019
iDEAL Inc.,
Business English Pro Management Team