


このBLOGでも先日ご案内した企業向け(Only)のBEPro受講にネイティブ講師によるDiscussion or Debate を行うスカイプレッスンが本格的に6万人規模の企業に導入されスタート。

これは、QualiTime Bizのネイティブ講師版というところです。BEProの記事を元にその内容を伝える、意見を語るなど、ある特定の事実を講師に伝える訓練となります。





このような報告を会議や上司に行うことはよくあること。こうした「事実を相手に伝える」訓練こそBEPro + Skype Lessonで行えるものだと思っています。理想はNative講師ですが、伝える訓練であればQT Bizのフィリピン講師の方々でも十分に練習台になってくれます。

もちろん、講師とのセッションを行うだけが練習ではなく、一人で鏡に向かって伝える。Voice Recorderなどを利用して録音するなど工夫してみるのも良いと思います。

下記はネイティブレッスンの簡易マニュアルです。 この25分の流れを、一人で、スカイプ講師と、英会話カフェ講師のプライベートレッスンなどで応用してみると効果が期待出来そうです。


Pre-lesson Homework

The Business English Pro website provides 5 new study articles every week. Each week, the student must select one of the articles/worksheets to complete for homework. They must inform their trainer which article they have chosen at the end of their Skype lesson so that the trainer can prepare for the next lesson. (Note: For the first lesson only this information will be Emailed to the trainer through PCI support). Students are required to read over the article and complete all pre and post reading activities. Upon completion of all tasks for any given article, student scores will be tabulated and each student will be given a performance ranking. They will also be able to review any article worksheets they have completed online.

Article Levels

Business English Pro (BEPro) has 4  levels based on users’ performance and article difficulty. The 4 levels are: Beginning, Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced. Students should

choose articles from your own level. For a full description of all

4 levels  please refer to the follow link: http://www2.dowbe.com/docs/about-levels.html

10 minutes: Summary & Pre-reading Task Review
Trainers will begin each lesson by asking the student to summarize the

article that they read for homework. The trainer and student will then

discuss the content of the pre-reading tasks and the trainer will confirm

student understanding of the article’s key vocabulary. Full feedback and

corrections will be provided by the trainer throughout this section.

5 minutes: Reading Activities Review

Trainers will review the answers to all of the reading activity tasks with

the student. They will clarify any points or details that the student had

trouble understanding. Finally, they will provide rationale to explain the

answers to questions that the student answered incorrectly.

5 minutes: Voice Reading (Shadowing)

The student will be required to practice shadowing the audio version of

the article that they read for homework. Trainers will provide feedback

on the student’s pacing, tone, intonation, and pronunciation.

5 minutes: Final Discussion

For the final five minutes of each lesson, the student and trainer will

discuss the content of that day’s article. Trainers are encouraged to

play devil’s advocate and encourage the student to proactively express

his/her thoughts and opinions as much as is possible.