


昨年の10月からの北陸先端大学院での講義が本日無事に終えることが出来ました。 羽田に21時20分に到着。そこから1時間40分かけて帰宅。 昨年はインドとベトナムの生徒が多かったのですが、今年はタイ・バンコクからの生徒で構成されていました。彼らが特別なのか、とても真面目な国民性を感じました。 本日は今年度の最後の講義だったのですが、2日に行われた選挙などについても少し話をしました。バンコック出身なのですが、日本で報道されているよりも彼らは落ち着いていました。恐らく91年頃からの政府、国王、軍と司法の統治の中でタイ国民は慣れてしまっているのかもしれないな、と思いました。 日本の朝刊各紙ですが、日経と読売を比較すると、タイの報道については日経はお粗末な内容で、読売はよくまとめられていました。 さて、タイの新聞はどのように報道されているのでしょうか? Doubt over poll outcome THE NATION February 3, 2014 1:00 am DESPITE the government's claim of "victory" after voting was conducted in 89 per cent of the country's 375 constituencies yesterday, many factors point to the high likelihood that this election - marred by boycotts and a long rowdy protest - could end up being declared void. An unusually low voter turnout was reported in many provinces, even in part of the North and Northeast where the ruling Pheu Thai Party has enjoyed popularity. In southern provinces, voter turnout was estimated at 20 to 30 per cent, much lower than previous elections. election-2014Voter turnout was a little over 40 per cent in Chai Nat, less than 50 per cent in Phichit, about 50 per cent in Ayutthaya, according to local election officials. There were reports of a high number of "no votes" in many provinces, as eligible voters ticked the box at the bottom of the ballot paper to vote for "none of the above". No votes were mostly in Bangkok and urban areas of the provinces. Voting could be held without problems in 59 provinces, at 83,669 out of all 93,952 polling stations, according to EC secretary-general Puchong Nutrawong. The EC would unveil the voter turnout figure today, he said. In Bangkok, 516 out of 6,671 polling stations were closed. EC members will convene a meeting today to discuss ways to solve the election-related problems. EC member Somchai Srisuthiyakorn also is scheduled to meet this afternoon with Labour Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, who is in charge of the government's Centre for Maintaining Peace and Order.